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Joshy Member
2 posts
1 topics
17 days ago

I'm glad I could join!

MC will be new to me.  I'm not sure if MC folks would know me or not as I came from the much broader version of GFL, but I'm glad to see that some avenues remain open thanks to the Staff members here :)

Hope to catch you around.

Benroyz Admin Member
4 posts
3 topics
16 days ago

You'll love it! I've sorted out your group, anyone who had VIPs are grandfathered in this community, as well as anyone who was a former staff member (higher-ups in this case) prior to GFL shutting down. You'll love the perks too- some of the perks are similar to what you saw with GFL's global perks (chat tags, trails, etc.), but trails aren't ready yet- it's being worked on and will be added soon. 

Are you ready for the intense things that Minecraft brings? 

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